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Once Upon A Time at AIF...

As the debunk-ification of myth comes to an end, a new chapter in our chapter of TEDx unfolds…

Missed us at the last conference? Want to get involved?

Check out our booth at the Anteater Involvement Fair!

Taking place in Aldrich Park on UCI’s campus, TEDxUCIrvine is happy to announce our next appearance there alongside hundreds of other amazing student clubs! More information will be released on upcoming events as the date grows closer, but for now, we’re focusing on planning the ultimate TED experience for this upcoming year.

We’d love if you could be a part of it!

In the meantime, keep your eyes open for upcoming events and updates. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay in touch with everything that’s happening with TEDxUCIrvine!

Hope to see you soon!

“If you are looking for ways to get involved, meet new friends, and learn more about UCI’s campus spirit, then attending the Anteater Involvement Fair is a great place to start! You will walk away from this event with more ways to become involved at UCI than you could have imagined.

We’re geared up to kick off the Welcome Week festivities, in person. The Anteater Involvement Fair will host a variety of registered campus organizations (RCOs) and UCI departments. Participating groups will be able to booth in person, recruit members, and promote events.”
UCI Office of Campus Organizations